
On 03.07.2023 "Extreme Sport" EOOD started the implementation of project BG-RRP-3.005-6372-C01 "Solutions in the field of information and communication technologies and cyber security in small and medium-sized enterprises", financed by the National Plan for Reconstruction and resilience, through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism.

One Sunday we decided to go for a walk to Mount Maliovitsa. Several people and a dog set off from Maliovitsa Primary School. Our goal was to conquer the peak and, most importantly, to have fun in nature.

A short two-day walk to Mount Radomir and Kamensky Waterfall. One Friday evening, several people and a dog left Sofia.

Three-day wandering through the Dobrostan massif of the Western Rhodopes. On the morning of May 24, 2024, 12 people left Sofia, and 4 more people joined us at the departure point for the Slivodol waterfall. From there we walked to Martsiganitsa hut. We passed by the waterfall Slivodolsko padalo and so on up.

A magical two-day trip to Petrahilya Peak and Ostrich Peak above Teteven, filled with many beautiful and unforgettable views.